Course curriculum

Course offers 25 videos (12 hours) of expert’s lectures, 200+ MCQ with Interactive answers , Downloadable PPTs Model Test covering all 11 chapters of Book 1, and Q & A sections for continues doubt clearing

    1. Introduction

    2. Book 1 : Overview

    1. Chapter 1 - Slides

    2. Part 1 - Types of Energy and its Classification

    3. Part 1 quiz

    4. Part 2 - World Energy Scenario

    5. Part 2 quiz

    6. Part 3 - Indian Energy Scenario

    7. Part 3 quiz

    8. Part 4 - Indian Energy Policies & Importance of Energy Conservation

    9. Part 4 quiz

    10. Chapter 1 quiz

    1. Chapter 2 - Slides

    2. Part 1 -1 : Energy conservation Act and its Schemes

    3. Part 1 - 2 : Energy conservation Act and its Schemes Contd

    4. Part 1 -3 : Energy conservation Act and its Schemes Contd

    5. Part 1 quiz

    6. Part 2 : National action plans

    7. Part 2 quiz

    8. Chapter 2 quiz

    1. Chapter 3 - Slides

    2. Part 1 : Basics of Energy and Electricity

    3. Part 1 Quiz

    4. Part 2 : Basics of Thermal Energy

    5. Part 2 quiz

    6. Chapter 3 quiz

    1. Chapter 4 - Slides

    2. Part 1 : About Energy Auditing and its Type

    3. Part 1 quiz

    4. Part 2 : Step-by-step approach for detailed energy audit

    5. Part 2 quiz

    6. Part 3 : Working principles of Energy audit Instruments

    7. Chapter 4 quiz

    1. Chapter 5 - Slides

    2. Part 1 : How to do Material Balance

    3. Part 1 quiz

    4. Part 2 : How to do Energy Balance

    5. Part 2 quiz

    6. Chapter 5 quiz

About this course

  • 78 lessons
  • 19 hours of video content
  • 6000 / 6 months